18 June 2009

Wedding in New York

Over the last weekend of May, I had the distinct privilege to attend a former roommate's wedding in New York City. It was the first time all seven of us had been together since before I moved to Oregon, and it was lovely to see these wonderful ladies. Unfortunately, we didn't get a photo of all of us together. The above was the best I could do.

Jess looked amazing. I don't love the wedding dress in general, but this one was phenomenal.
The flowers and everything else were beautiful as well.

And we got to keep some!

The craziest thing about this weekend was one of the officiators of the wedding: the next supreme court justice (most likely). Proof below:


  1. Nice re-use of the bridesmaid dress!

  2. Holy Sotomayor!!!

    Did you get to meet her too?

    That's just beyond awesome.

  3. Your hair is so long--and beautiful. Nice pictures!
