01 January 2009

On A Clear Day...

I have returned to Seattle. Thankfully, on my way back north the weather was much clearer than when I was driving south. So clear in fact that I was able to see Mt. Shasta from about 100 miles south of Redding. For those of you unfamiliar with the I-5 corridor, that is a really long way. Here is Mt. Shasta from the south:

And here it is from the north:

I cannot guarantee that this will end my unsafe practice of taking pictures while I drive, but I am pretty sure I am done for a while.


  1. Hey I tried to send you a Christmas card but it got retuened to me :(

  2. Amazing pictures. You seem to have perfected the driving/photography thing.

  3. Oh Laney... I'm glad you made it back OK. You should have stopped by and said HI! :)

    I hope you had an awesome Christmas and New Year!
